A rigid caster, also called a fixed caster, can only roll forward and backward. A raceway on a swivel caster allows the wheel to turn. The raceway is the swivel caster’s cylindrical portion that houses the ball-bearing track or tracks. When buying a rigid caster, there are several factors to consider. These factors include the load limit, durometer, material, and diameter. Choosing the right caster is a major investment, and you want to get the most bang for your buck. Below are some important things to consider.
The durometer of a rigid caster wheel is a measurement that shows how durable a caster wheel is. If you’re in the market for a new caster, you can get a lot of information from this measurement. The first question you should ask yourself is how much wear and tear your wheels are experiencing. You should measure the wheels with a durometer tester to answer this question.
The load capacity is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a new wheel. It will help you determine how much work it will take to move a load. You’ll have less difficulty moving a heavy load when choosing a high-capacity caster. In addition, a high capacity rating means that it won’t be scratched or dented and won’t cause damage to your floor.
The size of the rigid caster wheel is important for several reasons. The wheel’s diameter determines how easily it can move and its ergonomics. The material used to manufacture the caster wheel is also an important consideration. Durability and noise levels are all factors to consider. When choosing rigid caster wheels, you should choose a material that is not too soft or hard. However, this depends on your needs and preferences.
The top plate of kingpinless top-plate casters can hold up to 1,500 pounds and is made of steel. They are also available in a variety of diameters. Generally, a wheel’s diameter varies from two to four inches. The kingpinless type is steel and has a threaded 1/2-inch axle with locknut. Its swivel radius is between 3 and 15/32 inches.
Load limit
You need to know the maximum weight capacity of the caster to decide if a particular caster is a suitable choice for your application. While this number may vary, it gives you a general idea of how much the caster can hold. The weight capacity of a caster depends on the material used for the wheel and its bearing style. However, you can calculate a rough estimate by doing a simple calculation. For example, if your cart has four caster wheels, you should choose a caster weighing 6,000 pounds.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a caster is the load capacity. If you have a heavy piece of equipment, such as an aircraft engine, you should look for a caster with a high load capacity. A high-load capacity caster should be able to support the weight of the equipment being moved. A load limit of a single wheel is often more than sufficient for the job, but if a higher weight is required, you should choose a caster with multiple wheels.
The material of rigid caster wheels can be made from different materials. Some are designed to withstand rough treatment and prevent loads from tipping. They feature dual ball-bearing raceways to provide smooth movement and available in two and three-inch versions. They can have soft rubber or steel wheels to absorb shock.
The wheels on a cart have a major impact on the push force and how it moves. Carts with harder wheels will move easier and have less rolling resistance. On the other hand, softer wheels are quieter and will transmit less vibration. Softer wheels are designed for lighter loads and can help preserve soft floor materials. Ultimately, the wheels should be selected according to the specific needs and environments of the user.
You can find two-inch to 10-inch rigid caster wheels at various prices. You can also choose materials for the wheels, such as soft rubber, steel, or polyurethane. Some wheels are also shock-absorbing. You can also choose a wheel resistant to chemicals and oil, making them ideal for high-temperature applications. Other options include pneumatic caster wheels. These are available with cushioned tires and are durable and easy to roll.
The price of rigid caster wheels varies, and you should shop to find the right one for your needs. You can buy a rigid four-wheel unit mounted in a diamond pattern. The center wheel is slightly larger than the front and back wheels so it can rotate independently. However, you won’t be able to move the load sideways. These wheels are also helpful for moving heavy items, such as pallets, and they can also be used for light loads.