If you live in an area prone to severe thunderstorms, chances are you’re all too familiar with the destructive nature of hail. When a dark storm is looming and hail is a possibility, you know you need to seek shelter fast. Unfortunately this isn’t always possible and if you’re out in your car, you could be facing serious damage.
Sizing-Up the Enemy
Hail can range in size from tiny pellets all the way up to golf ball-sized or larger. You can absolutely guarantee your car will suffer damage if it’s of the larger variety. If hail is accompanied by strong winds, you’ve got a dangerous situation as well as a destructive one. A car’s destroyed finish after a storm of this magnitude is enough to make the toughest man cry.
Getting Expert Advice
Once the unavoidable has happened to your car, the first thing you need to do is to get an expert evaluation for hail damage repair Lakewood CO. You may be tempted to try to fix some of the damage yourself, but you risk making the situation much worse. A professional opinion from someone who’s seen it all is your best bet for getting your showroom shine back.
Preparing for Future Storms
If this weather is common in your area, there are a few precautions you can take. The most obvious would be to keep your car under cover whenever possible. If you’re driving when a storm hits, try to seek shelter. In a pinch, you could keep a large blanket, quilt or even a tarp to cover your car if danger is imminent.
Restoring Your Car
Unfortunately no matter what you do, it’s simply not possible to protect your car all the time. If the worst has happened and you’ve had large scale damage to your car due to hail, have an expert look at it immediately. The sooner you get your car in, the sooner you’ll have it restored to its original state.