Your commercial diesel truck is your companion on the road. Considering the many miles a semi-truck piles up over the course of its lifetime, it is a remarkably reliable vehicle. To pay your truck back for its faithful service, you should take to a reliable repair shop when service is required. These tips can help you find the right shop when you when it is time to make the call.
Choose Specialty
Shops that claims to be able to repair a large range of vehicle types may not understand your vehicle’s nuanced needs. Set out first to explore repair facilities that have a history working on your type of truck. You will benefit even more if they are certified to work on your rig’s specific brand and model. They will get the job done correctly, will carry the right parts and will have access to recall information. They will also be able to upgrade parts, such as wastegate controls, so your truck operates more efficiently.
Look for Longevity
Look at the repair shop’s website to see how long they have been in business. Experience is critical since diesel engines are complicated systems. Their high-compression ratio environment means even a mild problem can lead to a breakdown or total failure. Additionally, an established shop is more likely to remain in business for years to come, whereas one with no track record could disappear overnight.
Consider Reputation
The internet offers a wealth of consumer information about services across the board, including mechanics and shops. Scour reviews posted by people in your situation. Try to read between the lines, since some negative reviews can be based on conflicts that have no bearing on your service needs. Also, check the Better Business Bureau to see if your chosen shop is accredited with them.
Since your commercial semi can break your finances when it performs poorly, you need to find a service shop that will not break your truck when it needs servicing. Doing your research will ensure you are handing the keys to the best mechanic for your needs.