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The Impact of Selfies on Self-Esteem and Body Image

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Selfies have become an integral part of modern culture, with people of all ages taking and sharing pictures of themselves on a daily basis. While selfies can be a fun and enjoyable way for people to express themselves and connect with others, they can also have an impact on self-esteem and body image. Here is a look at the potential effects of selfies on these aspects of mental health.

The Pressure to Look Perfect

One of the potential negative effects of selfies is the pressure to look perfect. With the proliferation of social media and the abundance of photo-editing tools, people may feel pressure to present themselves in a certain way or to meet certain standards of attractiveness. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or a desire to improve one’s appearance through filters or editing.

The Comparison Game

Social media also plays a role in the impact of selfies …