Simply put, deaeration is the process of removing air molecules from liquid or another gas. There are several potential reasons for deaerating a gas or liquid. These include removing oxygen and other gases from feed water, heating up incoming water before returning condensate at a specific temperature, reducing the possibility of solubility of gases, and injecting water at the highest possible temperature.
Deaeration to Prevent Corrosion
Deaeration, either mechanical or chemical, is a vital component of boiler water control and protection. Corrosion is a serious concern in boiler systems and dissolved gas is the most common culprit. Even a very small amount of gas can result in iron deposits and pitting inside the boiler system. Unfortunately, makeup water and condensate return feed water often carry oxygen into the boiler system. Other potential sources of oxygen include
- Leaks along suction pumps
- Open condensate receiving tanks
- Non-deaerated water in condensate pump seals
- Non-deaerated quench water
The best way to avoid these problems is ongoing maintenance. Kansas city deaerator supplies are essential to this process.
Inspections of Tray-Type Deaerating Heaters
Dissolved oxygen is a familiar threat to the boiler system and, specifically, to the deaerating heaters. Consistent inspections and maintenance may involve the purchase of several pieces of equipment and parts. During inspections of tray-type heaters, careful attention should be given to the
- Steam inlet
- Water inlet
- Drain inlet
- Heating tray
- Air separating tray
- Overflow
It’s also important to visually inspect nizzles and points of connection.
Inspections of Spray-Type Deaerating Heaters
There are even more parts to inspect on a spray-type deaerating heater. These include
- Distributing pans
- Hood enclosure
- Deaerating trays
- Condensate inlet
- Water box
- Steam baffle
- And more
In general, you must inspect all connections and water or gas sources for leaks and all surfaces for evidence of pitting and corrosion. The sooner you’re able to spot trouble, the easier it will be to correct the situation.
Deaeration is a vital part of protecting a boiler system. Make sure you’re prepared to recognize corrosion and take steps to prevent or correct trouble.